- Vol.9 No.2

KEIO SFC JOURNAL Vol.9 No.2 The Establishment and Application of the e-Care Society
published on 2010.03
Theory for Better Consumer Support in Healthcare
Noriaki Aoki Assistant Professor, School of Health Information Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston President, Center for Health Service, Outcomes Research and Development - Japan (CHORD-J) Our ultimate goal in healthcare is outcome improvement of care receivers. The outcome is defined as combination of quantity, quality and cost that varies among care receivers since it can be influenced by health conditions, health system, individual preference, community rule and cultures. Due to the variations, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, "Nattoku", which is more emotional acceptance process, rather than logical understanding process, could be important for decision making. In this paper, we discuss importance of integrating knowledge, experience and theories to utilize potential of e-healthcare in terms of decision support and health communication.
e-Care Project - Improvement "care-ability" by networking of unconscious informal section in the society
Masaki Minami Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University Keiko Takenoue Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Masako Kaneko Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Shoko Miyagawa Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Masahiro Kobayashi Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Kikuko Ota Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University This paper summarized research activities of "e-CARE Project" that has realized self empowerment and mutual help for health in the society based on the principle of subsidiary by new communication consist on the information technologies. The "e-CARE" is a concept that made a whole society healthily by improvement a "care-ability" like "keeping good health" and/or "making well-being" that potentially exists among an individual, family, community and region on the actual social system. So it realized alternative reciprocal assistances among "human and human", "human and organization" and "organization and organization" by combining usual and new communication schemes on the medical, nursing, welfare and healthcare. Therefore it can make use of potential "informal section" besides the government, a local government or market mechanism, so that it can expand qualities and varieties of present services. In order to show feasibilities of reciprocal assistances by the such communication consist on informal section, this paper describes some concrete research topics that need improvement the "care-ability" with three classification of perspective like "entity", "relationship" and "infrastructure" in terms of processes and results of each groups, and concludes results and prospects for "e-CARE" comprehensively.
The Establishment and Application of an "e-Care" System for Couples Who Have Experienced Miscarriage and Stillbirth
Keiko Takenoue Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Naomi Maeda Senior Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC Yuriko Tadokoro Senior Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC Michiko Nakakita Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University Purpose: To establish a post-miscarriage and stillbirth e-care support system to encourage mutual-care and improve health among affected couples. Method: Four types of care systems were developed by patient-peer groups and researchers: a website bulletin board, booklets, personal counseling by mutual support groups, and personal counseling by midwives. Results: The website bulletin board explored the couples' experiences and feelings and was accessed more than 9,400 times, indicating the usefulness of this website-based care system. Twenty peer-support meetings were held, and over 2,000 booklets were distributed to individuals and hospitals. Forty counseling sessions by midwives, conducted at the women's center, focused on concerns and minor physical symptoms. The roles and meanings of the e-care system were discussed. Conclusion: The developed e-care systems for couples who have experienced miscarriage and stillbirth complemented each other and their frequency of usage indicated their necessity.
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Development of Parenting Education Program for Youth - Attempt to create a drama on Internet
Masako Kaneko Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Machiko Miwa Professor, School of Nursing, University of Shizuoka Senior Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC Shinya Masuda Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Minako Shimegi Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Shoko Miyagawa Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Terumi Watanabe Senior Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University There are many mother becoming the child care uneasiness in Japan. The one of these cause is thought that the youth have few opportunities to contact and care a child. Purpose of this study is development of a program to be able to learn easily parenting education while imaging child care concretely for youth by using Internet. We assumed that making of a drama part let their think about contents such as an image of life of the child care. The drama delivered comics as an animation with a flash bulb from a web site. This drama consists of 5 episodes. For 34 months, 130 thousand cases hit the number of the access this program, and 129 registrants to see and hear it. The awareness of the necessity of parenting education is important for youth to register with this website and spend the necessary time to learn it.
Difficulties in Use of "high-tech" Home Appliances for Older Users - Experimental consideration based on behavior analysis, eye tracking, and physiological measurement during use of rice cookers
Ryoko Fukuda Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University Modern home appliances are equipped with highly developed technologies. However, they are not always useful for older users. To identify the cognitive difficulties faced by older adults, their use of simulated rice cookers was analyzed by behavioral observation, eye tracking, physiological measurement and interviews. The results showed that complicated function allocation and ambiguous labeling of operation keys confused the older users. To avoid such difficulties, definite classification of functions and explicit labeling are required.
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Making of a Physical Exercise Program Web-site for Middle-aged and Elderly People at Home - Net DE Taiso at Home
Miki Kubo Research Associate, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Masahiro Kobayashi Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Mika Chaen Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Etsuko Shindo Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Tomoko Arahata Research Associate, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Kaeko Yamashita Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University In this article, the process of making a program of the website for middle-aged and elderly persons recorded to report on physical exercises at home is reported. This program was made by contents of exercise, to check programs. Encouraged participants to note their responses, and considerations of simplicity of use and case of access for the middle-aged and elderly, uses accounted were paramount as the website was made and tested. Regular discussions were held on actual access and the problems the result shows that although the middle-aged and elderly had high interest in to website, they had problems with the actual process of accessing it in addition keeping on the exercise program.
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IT-based Health Care Accessibility Programs for Autistics
Minako Shimegi Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Atuko Katou Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC Some autistic people suffer health management problems due to a diff iculty in verbal communication. They sometimes cannot consult doctors or receive treatment and examination smoothly when they fall sick. This study is aimed at supporting autistic people's life in the health care aspect. In this study, health issues of autistics that have scarcely been identified were brought to light, based on the result of which, three IT-based medical consultation support programs were developed. The three programs have been disclosed on the web in order to promote their expanded application as well as to examine its efficacy. To this point, it has been suggested that these programs have potential utility.
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Introduction of Nordic Walking Exercise to Maintain Walking Ability of Older Adults
Yukiko Lau Senior Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC Lecturer, Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Nursing Ken Yamauchi Associate Professor, Institute of Physical Education, Keio University Emi Kawakita Research Associate, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Kikuko Ota Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University The purpose of this research was to clarify transition of basic physical fitness among older adults and to investigate difference of activity level between normal walking and Nordic Walking Exercise. Nordic walking was found to be effective for improving grip strength, sitting trunk flexion and for increasing motivation regarding walking exercise. Compared to normal walking, Nordic Walking Exercise showed increased walking time and number of steps, higher frequency of walking exercise, decreased number of steps in walking time, and fewer calories expended for each step and walking time.
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Communication Design about E-Care Contributing to Improving both Quality and Quantity of Social Care
Satori Nishiyama Senior Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC Mika Chaen Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Shoko Miyagawa Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University Toshiki Nishiyama Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University This study clarifies the present condition of the use of ICT in e-care and aims at examining what communication design in e-care should be. First, we carried out research on the operation of Web-site through questionnaires sent to 7 teams making a study of e-care HRC project in Keio University, and made a close analysis of the contents of the aid to given by the web. Secondly, we had a discussion on the expansion of e-care world contributing to improving both quality and quantity of social care, based on a plan for holding a session about SFC Open Research Forum 2008. As a result, the necessity of using five on-line types and three patterns of on-line and off-line according to the needs of users was suggested.
Comparative Analysis between the 'Precocious Type' and the 'Late-blooming Type' among Top Tennis Players
Toshiaki Sakai Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University Sae Sakai Research Associate (Non-tenured), Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University There is a trend that the more precocious players are, the higher they reach in career ATP ranking in professional tennis. Therefore, I classified the ATP top 100 ranked players into 'precocious type' and 'lateblooming type', and performed a comparative analysis on three attributes: rankings, match content and entered tournament. The obtained results prove that the highest career ATP ranking of the 'precocious type' is higher than that of the 'late-blooming type', and it was clarified that the framework of professional tennis tournament tours works in the favor of 'precocious type' through attributes such as the ATP point system and wild-card system.
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"Modernity" in the Thoughts of Comte de Saint-Simon - On the réorganisation of Europe
Yohei Nakashima Doctoral School, Political Studies, L'École des hautes etudes en sciences sociales (EHESS) According to Comte de Saint-Simon, la meilleure constitution possible could consider the public interest from the two aspects of general interest and particular interest. The modern society is unified by the universal morality that transcends Christianity as a domination principle in the Middle Ages, that is, by philanthropy that evolves from interpersonal relationships in the industrial society. Réorganisation of the society is gradually carried out by human beings who could consider the general interest of the society while overcoming the particular interest called ego. Comte de Saint-Simon had drafted De la réorganisation de la société européenne for proposing a realization approach of his social thoughts at the European level.
The Governance of Contemporary Counter-terrorism - Case study of German air security policy
Hironobu Nakabayashi Senior Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC The 9.11 terrorist attacks reaffirm the importance of protecting aviation transport infrastructure against terrorism. In Germany, under the act on aviation security of 2005, airborne transport security has been implemented with public-private networks and/or cooperation between various actors as like law enforcements, regulatory agency, private sector, and military organization (especially Federal Air Force). These networks and/or cooperation are enhanced through dialogue and exercise between actors of various sector. At the same time, some ideas and measures for enhancing efficiency and for spreading the increased cost about security measures. From now on, it will become next issue to formalized coordination mechanism for implementing these measures into the aviation security act.
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Glance-at-Door - The privacy protection on Web camera using the openness of the door as an indicator of the context
Akihiko Kodama Researcher, Advanced Research Center, Keio University Michiaki Yasumura Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University Under circumstances of the broadband and always-on connection, telecommunication like constant broadcasting of live video and audio to remote places are realized. In such situation, not always appropriate awareness to the state of the camera and microphone is given, thus causing problems such as the privacy abuse. In this research, we emphasize the fact that in the physical environment whether a door is opened or closed plays a roll to control the amount of the visual and auditory information shared among rooms. We are proposing an interface technique called Glance-at-Door which controls the access to the visual and auditory information of a web camera in relation to the openness of the door measured using a sensor.
Ethics by Committee A Textbook on Consultation, Organization, and Education for Hospital Ethics Committee - Edited by D. Micah Hester/Translated by Shoichi Maeda and Satoshi Kodama, Keiso Shobo, 2009
Masatoshi Nara Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters, Keio University -
Kiki-ni-Tatsu Nihon-no Eigo-Kyouiku (in Japanese) - Written and Edited by Yukio Ohtsu, Keio University Press, July 2009
Mitsuaki Okabe Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University