

published on 2024.09

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  • [Research articles]

    Urban Functions of Temples and Their Relationship with Local Markets in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    Tadamori Fujisawa (Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University / Associate Professor, Graduate Program in Environmental Design, Institute of International Culture, Showa Women’s University)
    Toshihide Kuzuhara (Associate Professor, School of Design, Tokyo University of Technology)

    Urban development in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital, has been poorly planned, causing the demolition of historical buildings as well as the loss of tourism resources and urban character. In Phnom Penh, where urban expansion and modernization progress along with high economic growth, temples are considered to be an important element in terms of urban conservation. Based on interviews and mapping work, this study aims to reveal the urban functions of temples and their relationship with local markets that have been serving as part of the day-to-day life of urban residents in Phnom Penh. Our findings indicate that the preservation and succession of temples in Phnom Penh are essential to maintaining the important urban functions that they perform. In turn, this will lead to the preservation of Phnom Penh’s urban character.

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    Associations between Fatigue, Fatigue Management Barriers, and Social Support among Patients with Breast Cancer Undergoing Endocrine Therapy

    Miyu Takahashi (Former Master Program, Cancer Nursing Major in Nursing, Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University)
    Hiroko Komatsu (Professor Emeritus, Keio University)
    Tetsu Hayashida (Associate Professor, Department of Surgery (General and Gastroenterological Surgery), School of Medicine, Keio University)
    Daisuke Sugiyama (Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Keio University)

    To obtain nursing insights, we investigated the association between fatigue, barriers to its management, and social support among patients with breast cancer undergoing endocrine therapy, taking depression and anxiety, into account. We conducted a survey and analysis of 84 patients who had undergone endocrine therapy for various periods of between three months and five years. Significant associations were observed between fatigue and barriers to its management, with depression and anxiety as pivotal factors. The findings underscore the need for multifaceted assessment and nursing support of fatigue, encompassing the possibility of barriers, depression, and anxiety.

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  • [Research articles]

    Spectacular Performances and Surveillance in Contemporary China

    Haoguang Li (Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University)

    This article examines the relationship between the coerciveness of surveillance and the efficacy of spectacular performances. It argues that sarcastic views or even subversive actions towards spectacular performances may emerge when the coerciveness of surveillance is heightened. By comparing the Reform and Opening-Up era with the Xi era, this article demonstrates that the political campaigns launched by Xi Jinping, against his original willingness, had negative ideological impacts on the Chinese people, ultimately leading to massive protests and an unprecedented level of political instability since 1989.

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  • [Research articles]

    School Libraries and Article 1-3 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Copyright Act ―Based on the Role Expected of School Libraries in the Era of CPS (Cyber-Physical System)

    Yusuke Kurihara (Project Associate Professor (non-tenured), Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University)

    The revision of the Copyright Act in 2021 significantly revised the copyright restriction provisions for libraries. However, school libraries are still not included in the definition of “libraries, etc.” (Article 31 of the Copyright Act and Article 1-3 of the Enforcement Ordinance), and therefore are not able to benefit from the revision. This paper will 1) review the process of the 2021 revision and why school libraries were not included, 2) reconsider the “expected roles of school libraries” by comparing them with school library systems in other countries, and 3) examine whether Article 1-3(1) of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Copyright Act should be revised to include school libraries.

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  • [Practice reports]

    A Follow-up Survey of Students’ Consciousness and Behavioral Processes through Career Education ―Practical Insights from Life Story Interviews

    Azusa Katsumata (Project Professor, Career Center, Seijo University)
    Toru Kawai (Associate Professor, College of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University)

    This study examined the consciousness and behavioral processes of students through a follow-up survey using Life Story Interviews (LSI). It collected the interview data of 11 students and analyzed them, using the Modified Grounded Theory Approach (M-GTA). Seven categories and 36 concepts of the students’ consciousness and behavioral processes were generated through the coding process. This analysis revealed a new self-constructing process in which reflection and action via indirect experiences in LSI played a pivotal role. Specifically, the findings inferred that elements associated with the construction of students’ role models functioned through their reflections on action or reflections in the action of experiential learning. Results of this study demonstrated the potential of the LSI not only as a narrow vocational guidance tool but also as a method to broaden students’ perspectives on their own lives and career paths.

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  • [Progress reports]

    The Origins of Economic Security Policies in Japan ―An Examination of Economic Security Policy in the Oil Crisis

    Takayuki Kunito (Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University / Consulting Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry)

    This paper examines Japan’s economic security policy in the oil crisis, which can be considered the starting point of Japan’s economic security policy. The oil crisis prompted Japan to take policy responses to reduce its economic vulnerability. Then resource constraints developed the idea of economic security into an internationalist policy, and interagency coordination limited economic security. An examination of contemporary economic security policy reveals similarities with economic security policy in the oil crisis.

    Download this article (PDF):SFCJ24-1-06.pdf