FAQ よくある質問


The following are the questions and answers that we has anticipated, as well as the questions and answers that have been asked by members of our Society, including those from past meetings. If you click Q, you can see A.

学術交流大会について -About Keio SAS

Keio SASのSASって何の意味ですか?
-What does SAS stand for?

慶應SFC学会は英語名がKeio SFC Academic Societyです。これをまとめてKeio SASと呼んでおり、伝統的に年会の略称に用いています。

-Keio SAS stands for Keio SFC Academic Society, which is traditionally used as the abbreviation for our annual meeting.

ORF (Open Research Forum)における展示と、学術交流大会(Keio SAS)の違いはなんですか?
-What is the difference between an exhibition at ORF (Open Research Forum) and Keio SAS?

ORFも第22回学術交流大会(22nd Keio SAS)も万学博覧会(SFC EXPO)の中で開催されるイベントになります。ORFは教員が研究を紹介する場であるのに対し、Keio SASは学会員が研究や活動を紹介する場です(つまり学生も発表できる場です)。タイミングを活かしてORFと連動した形の発表などを行うのもいいですね。

-Both ORF2023 and 22nd Keio SAS are the events within the SFC EXPO 2023, and while ORF is a place for faculty to introduce their research, Keio SAS is a place for our Society members to introduce their research and activities (meaning that SFC students can make presentations). It would be nice to take advantage of the timing to make a presentation in conjunction with ORF.

応募条件関連 -Application Requirements-related

-What kind of position is recognized as a member of Keio SFC Academic Society?


第3条 本会には正会員、準会員、学生会員、名誉会員を置く。▼2 正会員は、原則として湘南藤沢3学部および2研究科の専任教員とする。ただし、理事会は、専任に準ずる有期の教員を正会員とすることもできる。▼3 理事会は、湘南藤沢キャンパスを卒業あるいは修了した者および退職した教員で、その後本人の希望により資格申請した者を準会員とすることができる。また、理事会は、湘南藤沢キャンパスコミュニティで活動している特任教員、非常勤教員、SFC研究所上席所員、SFC研究所所員ならびにSFCに勤務する職員で、本人の希望により資格申請した者を、準会員とすることもできる。▼4 学生会員は、湘南藤沢キャンパスに在籍する学部生ならびに研究科の学生とする。ただし、理事会は、研究科の特別学生を、学生会員とすることができる。▼5 理事会は、湘南藤沢キャンパスを定年退職した教員を、名誉会員とすることができる。

-First, all SFC students are applicable. Second, tenured faculty member of Professors, Associate Professors, and Assitant Professors of Faculty of Policy Management, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, or Graduate School of Media and Governance are applicable (Non-tenured and part-time faculty member can also become a member of Keio SFC Academic Society by applying to Keio SFC Academic Society). Third, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Research Associate of Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care or Graduate School of Health Management are applicable. In addition to it, full and associate members of Keio SFC Academic Society are applicable. See below for details (Article 3 in Regulations of Keio SFC Academic Society).

#1. Keio SFC Academic Society set full member, associate member, student member and honorary member. #2. In principle, a full member of Keio SFC Academic Society must be a tenured faculty member of three faculties and two graduate schools in Shonan Fujisawa Campus, but non-tenured and part-time faculty member can also become as full member after the deliberation by Organizing Committee of Keio SFC Academic Society. #3. In principle, an associate member of Keio SFC Academic Society must be individuals who had graduated or retired faculty member from Shonan Fujisawa Campus whom applied for qualification will be granted its right as an associate member afterwards by their wishes. Also, for those SFC research institute senior researcher, researcher and employee who work at SFC can apply for qualification by their wishes to become an associate member through the consideration by Organizing Committee of Keio SFC Academic Society. #4. A student member of Keio SFC Academic Society must be undergraduate and graduate students in Shonan Fujisawa Campus. #5. As a general rule, the honorary members of the Keio SFC Academic Society are faculty members who retired from SFC. The retired SFC faculty members are eligible to become an honorary member after being nominated and screend by the Organizing Committee of the Keio SFC Academic Society.

-I am planning to present the results of my graduation project at a conference other than the Keio SAS. If I participate in the graduation project presentation at Keio SAS, will it be a double presentation?


We view the presentations on research at Keio SAS, including not only "Graduation Presentations" but also "Presentation for All", as an opportunity for SFC personnel to introduce their research internally to SFC personnel. Therefore, we consider it desirable to have the content of a presentation made at Keio SAS presented at another conference with a high level of expertise. However, we must leave it to the judgment of the other society to decide whether or not to consider this as a double presentation. In accordance with this principle, we do not consider a presentation at Keio SAS that has been presented at another conference to be a double presentation. Naturally, the responsibility for ensuring the originality and novelty of the content of the presentation rests with the presenter. Students are encouraged to discuss these matters with their academic advisors in advance of their presentations.

-What are the criteria for choosing whether "Presentations for All" or "Activity Introductions" is more appropriate for me?


-The "Presentations for All" are primarily intended for activities related to the acquisition of a bachelor's, master's, doctoral, or other degree in the case of students. Basically, they are also individual presentations. If the presentation is not related to the acquisition of a degree, please apply for "Activity Introductions". What presenters need to submit is also different. If the resume method is preferred, the presentation should be in the "Presentation for All" category, and if the flyer method is appropriate, the presentation should be in the "Activity Introductions" category. Please note that the secretariat may suggest a change in category after reviewing the contents of the application.

-Can I apply for both "Presentation for All" and "Activity Introductions" categories?


-You may not apply for both if they have the same content. Please choose one of them. If they are completely different (e.g., you are presenting your own research in one and representing a different group activity in the other), this is not a problem.

-Who can present at the "Graduation Presentations" category?


-"Graduation Presentations" category is open to those who will graduate (or have graduated) from an undergraduate school in the fiscal year in which Keio SAS is held. For example, in the case of the 23rd Keio SAS, those who graduated in September 2023 or are expected to graduate in March 2024 are eligible.

-Can Master/Doctor course students also present their Master's/Doctoral final paper in the "Graduation Presentations" category?


-No. If you are a master's or doctoral student, please present your research in "Presentations for All" category.

-How many students per faculty advisor can apply for the "Graduation Presentations" category?


-Only one person may apply. The faculty member you are recommending must be a member of our Society. Please be sure to check with the faculty member in advance.

-Can Keio students other than SFC students apply for the "Graduation Presentations" category?


-Not allowed. Only students affiliated with the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, the Faculty of Policy Management, and the Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care are eligible to apply. In addition, in all categories, applicants or application representatives must be members of Keio SFC Academic Society (SFC students and graduate students are members of our Society).

-Can faculty members present in the "General Research Presentations" category?


-Yes, any member of Keio SFC Academic Society is entitled to make a presentation in Keio SAS.

-Can more than one person apply?


-For all categories, applications should be submitted individually. You are free to list more than one name in your resume as a co-author. For "Activity Introductions" category, four names may be listed in addition to the applicant at the time of application. If you receive an award, the supplementary prize and participation award will be given to those people as well. However, they must be members of the Society.

-I received an award at a past Keio SAS. Can I apply for the same theme this time?


-It is possible. However, only if there has been sufficient development since the previous presentation.

-I am a senior at SFC. Is it possible for me to present my research in the general research presentation at the 22nd conference and present it in the graduation project presentation at the 23rd conference?


-It is possible. In fact, it is ideal. We encourage you to use the suggestions and other information obtained in November for your own research to help you complete your graduation project.

提出物や発表内容について-About Submissions and Presentations

-I made a mistake with the file I am registering. Can I resend it?


-Re-register within the time period (although of course it is undesirable to be re-registered over and over again). Basically, we will refer to the last registration.

-Can I see what I have registered on the form?


-When you register, you will receive your registration details at the e-mail address you provided on the form.

-May I present in languages other than Japanese and English?


-If you do your presentation in a language other than Japanese or English, we will not be able to set up a review system. In other words, you may present in any language as long as you agree that you will not be able to be evaluated. Also, please communicate with the moderator in either Japanese or English.

-Can I put my poster somewhere?



-I chose to make a video presentation because I am unable to attend on the day of the presentation. What tools do you need to make a video?


-There are a variety of tools available, so we are not limited to any particular tool, but using a recording of a Zoom presentation is very popular because it shows the presenter's facial expressions and gives a realistic feel to the presentation.

-Which application will be used to stream the video in the case of video presentation?


-We use an application called Quicktime that is installed on our Mac, so please make sure that Quicktime can display the file properly before submitting it.

-How much will the score be reduced if the video is presented?


-Although it depends on the scoring system, be prepared for the score to drop to perhaps three-quarters of its original level.

-If I receive a grant from Keio SFC Academic Society, does it mean that I have to present in Keio SAS to receive the grant?


-We would like to make sure that all grant recipients register their study or activity at Keio SAS. However, there is no penalty for not submitting an abstract. We leave this to the discretion of the grant recipient. There is an overlap between Keio SAS judges and our grant judges. With this in mind, we would very much appreciate your thoughts on what form would be ideal.

審査と表彰について-About Judging and Awards

-Is there an awards ceremony?


-In past meetings, we have held an awards ceremony. However, in order to keep fair evaluation, we have decided to forgo the award ceremony starting with the 22nd Annual Meeting. Please refer to the announcement on our website at 11:00 a.m. two days after the presentation date.

-How are the first and final rounds of judging conducted?


-The first screening step will be a process to ensure that the applicant is qualified to present. Presentations that violate human rights or disrupt public morals will be disqualified. However, please note that an excessive number of abstracts may also result in rejection. The final round of judging will be conducted by a number of faculty members. The total score will be used as a reference to determine the awardees according to the rules set by the judging group. Please understand that most of the evaluations will be made by people who are not specialists in the field, and that this is only a festive element to encourage presentations. In no way is it a superior or inferior research or activity.

-Are there extra prizes for Gold, Silver, Encouragement, and Participation awards?


-Yes. According to past years, prizes priced around 40,000 yen for gold, 20,000 yen for silver, 10,000 yen for encouragement, and 3,000 yen for participation will be prepared.

-Are participation prizes given to Gold Award winners as well? In other words, to whom are participation prizes awarded?


-No participation prizes will be awarded to Gold Award winners. Participation prizes will be awarded to 1) presenters who did not receive an Encouragement Award in "Presentation for ALL" and "Activity Introductions" categories, and to 2) the faculty advisor of the student who received an Encouragement Award in "Graduation Presentations".

-If we make a presentation as a group in the "Activity Introductions" category in 22nd Keio SAS, am I correct in understanding that all five members will receive a supplementary prize for the Encouragement Award, and all five members will receive a participation prize even if we do not receive the Encouragement Award?


-That is almost correct. However, it is necessary to have the names of all members registered at the time of application. In addition, those who are not members of our Society are not eligible.

-Why are there no gold or silver awards in "Activity Introductions" and "Presentation for All" categories?


-In "Graduation Presentations" category, you can only present once in your lifetime, whereas in those categories, you can present every time. Therefore, we spontaneously made a difference regarding the prizes.


-Is the SAS designed with Southern All Stars in mind?


-Thank you for your interesting question. Please note that it has nothing to do with Southern All Stars, which is one of top leading rock bands in Japan.

-I would love to see Disneyland tickets included in the list of Catalog Gifts.


-In fact, we once included Disneyland tickets. Due to various changes on the Disneyland side, we have had to forgo it in recent years, but it is a very popular item, so we will be revisited whenever possible.


We will continue to add Q&A to be shared.

このFAQで解決しなかったときは-If your problem was not resolved in this FAQ

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