1) An analogue of Paley-Wiener theorem on SU(2,2) 2) Atomic Hardy space on semisimple Lie groups 3) Fourier series with non negative coefficients on compact semisimple Lie groups 4) Wavelet transforms associated to an induced representation of SL(n+2,R) 5) L1 estimates for maximal functions and Riesz transform on real rank 1 semisimple Lie groups 6) Hardy spaces and maximal operators on real rank one semisimple Lie groups 7) Fractional calculus and analytic continuation of the complex Fourier-Jacobi transforms 8) On Hardy's theorem on SU(1,1) 9) Real Hardy spaces on real rank one semisimple Lie groups 10) Uncertainty principle for Jacobi analysis 11) H1 estimates of Littlewood-Paley and Luzin functions for Jacobi analysis 12) Uncertainty principle for the Dunkl transform 13) Inversion formula for the discrete Radon transform 14) H1-estimates of the Littlewood-Paley and Lusin functions for Jacobi analysis II 15) A modified endpoint estimate of the Kunze-Stein phenomenon associated with complex semisimple Lie groups 16) Applications of an inverse abel transform for jacobi analysis: Weak-l1 estimates and the kunze-Stein phenomenon 17) An endpoint estimate of the kunze-stein phenomenon on su(n,m)
著書 「群上の調和解析」(朝倉書店) 「大学で学ぶ数学」編著(慶応義塾大学出版会) 「楽しもう!数学を」共著(日本評論社) 「数理と社会」(数学書房) 「解析入門」共著(放送大学教育振興会) 「微分積分学講義I」(数学書房) 「微分積分学講義II」(数学書房) 「増補版・数理と社会」(数学書房) 「改訂解析入門」(放送大学教育振興会)